PALATABLE - vertaling naar arabisch
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PALATABLE - vertaling naar arabisch

Palatable; Unpalatable
  • Advertisement of [[castor oil]] as a medicine by Scott & Bowne company, 19th century



شَهِيّ ; طَيِّب ; لَذِيذ ; مَرِيء

صِفَة : سائغ . لذيذ المذاق
سائغ ، لذيذ المذاق مستساغ


·adj Agreeable to the palate or taste; savory; hence, acceptable; pleasing; as, palatable food; palatable advice.



Palatability (or palatableness) is the hedonic reward (which is pleasure of taste in this case) provided by foods or fluids that are agreeable to the "palate", which often varies relative to the homeostatic satisfaction of nutritional, water, or energy needs. The palatability of a food or fluid, unlike its flavor or taste, varies with the state of an individual: it is lower after consumption and higher when deprived. It has increasingly been appreciated that this can create a hunger that is independent of homeostatic needs.

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor PALATABLE
1. would find it palatable.
Owner of Chinatown Ice Cream Factory CICF _ Christina Seid _ Talks at Google
2. it's really palatable.
Dandelion & Quince _ Michelle McKenzie _ Talks at Google
3. are not very palatable.
Great Food Starts Fresh Gazpacho Demo _ Nathan Lyon _ Talks at Google
4. at least palatable, right?
5. it's about being palatable.
My Voice Matters _ International Women's Advocates Panel _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor PALATABLE
1. Somehow, they manage to make cruel television palatable.
2. "Then maybe other kinds of notions might be more palatable.
3. Biting the heads off first makes them more palatable.
4. "Hopefully, it will find his suggested ‘partnership model‘ more palatable.
5. One type of water is sweet and palatable while the other is bitter and salty.